I’m Vinicius Sueiro — a designer using technology to inform & delight humans

Sometimes that means I’m a front end developer an interaction designer a data visualization developer an information designer a software engineer a university lecturer a web developer a data visualization consultant a creative technologist

Profile picture for Vinicius Sueiro

With over 12 years of experience, I have recently designed and developed data-driven projects for Google, the Washington Post, and the World Health Organization.

My work has been awarded the “Best in Show” 🏆 by SND , among 1,700 entries worldwide – as well as the best data visualization in Latin America by WAN-IFRA Digital Media Awards.

I was also a judge for Brasil Design Awards 2021 and Information is Beautiful Awards 2023 and 2024.

Photo of a pile of two colorful books on a blue background. The book is titled “Dataviz em perspectiva: ensino e prática profissional da visualização de dados no design brasileiro”
In 2021, I wrote my first book chapter! Buy the book here (in Portuguese).

In early 2022, I taught datavis and web development at IDP & Insper (graduate programs in Brazil). Now, I am a full-time lecturer at the University of Miami, where I teach coding, design & data visualization.

On the technical side, I enjoy learning new job-specific tools. But here are my all-time favorites:

Below you’ll find some of my data-driven projects — as well as a cute dinosaur if you scroll all the way down. 🦖

Get in touch


Thanks for scrolling all this way! Now, feel free to send me an email about your ideas and how we might work together to make them happen.

Photo of Vinicius Sueiro holding a microphone while speaking on a stage at a conference
Back in 2019, I was one of the speakers at Coda, in Brazil.
All the Government Barbecues is announced as one of the winners of IIB 2017.
Me and some winners of IIB Awards 2023. Photo by Data Visualization Society
Check My Coding Experiments 🧪